A Great Quote from Jack Nicklaus

Originally Posted 14-April-2012, Revised 6-October-2020

A while back I was reading GolfWorld magazine and saw the following quote from The Greatest Game of All: My Life In Golf by Jack Nicklaus and Herbert Warren Wind:

  • "How do slumps begin?  They begin from neglect, and neglect finally leads to a loss of confidence.  You can practice a lot but still be neglectful - neglectful of the fundamentals.  During a long stretch of poor golf I suffered through in the winter and spring of 1967, I tried to rouse my game by attempting to bring off increasingly complicated shots.  What I should have done was to back up, return to the fundamentals, and get one thing at a time under control."

You might ask what this quote about golf has to do with business, to me this speaks volumes about business.  When working on turnarounds before I joined ActionCOACH, I saw first-hand how much trouble a business can get into by ignoring the fundamentals and how that trouble was magnified when those businesses tried to hit home runs to get out of trouble.

Heroic measures rarely work.  Returning to fundamentals, returning to Action's 5-Ways business chassis will provide a solid foundation for any business to build (or rebuild) upon.  If you are facing or are in a slump, return to business fundamentals.  Even if your business is booming, you need never to lose sight of the basics if you want to achieve long term success.

In the current period of recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, and as always, my ActionCOACH colleagues and I are ready to assist you with your company's return to health and profitability.  All you must do is contact me.

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