Question of The Month

Essential Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself


  • January - Have you taken the time to plan? Please read my latest blog (see the next section below) and then answer this question. Be honest, take off your rose colored glasses, no BS.


  • October - Is the customer service your business delivers really great? Please read my latest blog (see the next section below) and then answer this question. Be honest, take off your rose colored glasses, no BS.
  • September - What tasks are you regularly doing that you should not be doing? - Are you doing things that you are not very good at? Are you failing to delegate tasks that someone on your extended team can do better than you? How about items that you dislike? This group of questions revolves around your ability to get leverage on your time and abilities via effective delegation. If you are not considering delegation, you are not maximizing you value to your organization.
  • June -  What Is the value of one minute of your time? - During a keynote speech at a BizX Conference a few years ago success coach Darren Hardy had the audience calculate the value of an hour of their time based upon what they would like to earn. He then had everyone divide that amount by 60 to calculate the value of a minute. He then burned a twenty dollar bill to graphically demonstrate what five minutes wasted on social media is worth to someone who wants to earn $250,000.00 per year.
  • May - Do you manage by the seat of your pants (skirt), or by a mission based plan? - A huge percentage of business grow organically until they arrive at a road block. That moment usually leads to two outcomes; failure or success. Success by becoming  an "adult business, managed according to a mission based plan. Don't wait until you arrive at the road block.
  • March - Do you lead and manage your organization to consistently deliver exceptional customer experiences? - At most networking events, many people say they are "full service" and give great service. It that really true about your company?
  • January - Why Don't You Use Critical Non-Essentials? - Critical Non-Essentials (CNEs) are a great tool you can use to distinguish your company from others in your marketplace. For more complete information about CNEs, see my blog Critical Non-Essentials - What and Why


  • November - Why do I resist creating a budget for my company? - In my former company (way before I joined ActionCOACH) there was a lot of resistance to planning and budgeting. After a kick in the butt from my CPA we created operating plans and budgets. Those plans and budgets help us to outpace our competition. Get over your resistance!
  • October - What can I learn from the other companies in my marketplace? - What are they doing that I should be doing in, or adapting to my business? What are they doing that I need to avoid?
  • September - What "quick fixes" within my organization are slowing us down?
    Are there any quick temporary fixes that seemed like good ideas at the time you implemented them that have become "permanent" and are now wrong for your business?
  • Summer - How can I effectively use A.I. in my business? - With A.I. being the subject of a lot of news coverage, congressional hearings, and hype, it has become necessary to explore how it may realistically benefit your business.
  • June - What Really Is My Product or Service? - We have found that many of our clients at ActionCOACH and many of the business organizations we interact with do not understand the total definition of the product or service they offer. To put this another way, do you know which aspects of your offering your customers most value? For a restaurant it might be simply the food, or maybe the number of menu items, or the décor, or the service, etc.
  • May - Who is my ideal client (customer/patient)? - We have found that the tighter a definition of an ideal (not only) client a business has, the more of those potential clients a company finds. The answer to this question leads to the answers to many other absolutely essential organizational, marketing and operational questions that must be answered to have a well planned business.
  • April - What if this works? - When you begin a new product, service, marketing campaign or sales initiative, are you prepared for the upside?
  • March - Why should I be on your team? - Based upon your ideal team member's values.
  • February - Why should I be your customer? - Based upon your ideal customer's value proposition, not yours.
  • January - What is your top goal for 2023?